Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy brings together the different facets of Yoga: asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra, visualization and meditation into a complete package where they can be integrated and utilized for therapeutic classes directed toward specific health related goals.

The Healing journey is unique to each individual and Yoga Therapy therefore selects, adapts and modifies the practices of yoga appropriately for each individual to facilitate optimal health and healing of the body/mind.

The Yoga Therapy process begins with assessing the individuals present condition. It takes into consideration the student’s ayurvedic constitution, the balance of their prana vayus, specific areas of physical and psychological strength and weakness, and the role of stress in the life of the student. It then looks at which facets of yoga would facilitate optimal wellness and finally designs a program of yoga practice to meet the needs and goals of the student.

Our yoga classes are challenging and creative.


As yoga has become more popular the hybrids and specializations that have emerged are almost limitless. Disco yoga, desk yoga, Techno yoga, and water yoga are the latest hybrids of yoga available. You may choose from numerous styles and traditions. Here is a list of some common styles:

Ananda: This classic yoga discipline is gentle and focuses on meditation and self-awareness. It is designed to be an introspective act that unifies mind, body, and spirit. Ananda yoga emphasizes silent affirmations and higher awareness and is not aerobic or athletic.

Ashtanga (Power Yoga):  If you are looking for a workout, this type of yoga may be for you. This is a demanding practice that consists of poses done in a Vinyasa style.This is a very fast-paced routine.

Bikram (Hot):  Bikram yoga is a series of 26 poses performed in sequence in a heated room.  Temperatures can reach up to 115° in the studio.  It is believed that the heat in the room allows muscles to stretch further and deeper with less difficulty.  The heat also purifies the body through sweat.

Hatha Yoga:  Hatha yoga is the most popular type of yoga.  It is commonly a blend of two or more other types of yoga practice. Some instructors consider hatha yoga the most practical style, it is often called the yoga of activity.

Kripalu: The primary emphasis of this discipline is working within the limits of your own strength and progress, while focusing on proper alignment and breathing technique. Kripalu is sometimes called the yoga of consciousness for these reasons.  There are typically three stages: exploration of the poses and your abilities, concentration and awareness of your body in the pose, and meditation in action as your body flows between poses instinctively.

Svaroopa:  This yoga discipline imagines the body is an instrument used to achieve higher consciousness. Svaroopa emphasizes healing and transformation through opening of the spine.

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